To find CRISPRs, enter the gene ID, symbol, or chromosome:location. Then select tracks and click the 'Submit' button.

This will take you to the JBrowse view. If you want to change tracks or search for another gene in JBrowse, type a gene ID, symbol, or chromosome:location over the coordinates directly in JBrowse. In the upper left-hand corner of the JBrowse view, click "Select Tracks" to change your track selections.

Version: Jan 2017
New Version Available!
  • Based on Fly Genome Assembly 6
  • Added a "seedScore" to each CRISPR (ranging from 12 to 15). This number indicates the uniqueness of the bp-end of a CRISPR excluding PAM. For example, a seed score of 12 means that CRISPR has an unique 12-bp end excluding PAM, whereas a seed score of 13 means that CRISPR has an unique 13-bp excluding PAM.
  • Bug fix: gene names on the mitochondrion genome show more than just "mt"

, No Predicted Off-Targets (preferred)
, No Predicted Off-Targets (preferred)
, No Predicted Off-Targets (preferred)
, No Predicted Off-Targets (preferred)
, No Predicted Off-Targets (preferred)
, One to Three Predicted Non-CDS Off-Targets
, One to Three Predicted CDS Off-Targets
, More than Three Predicted Off-Targets
(most stringent)

(least stringent)