

Integrated Web-based Resource for Drosophila Cell-Cell Communications

» Browse Ligand-Receptor Pairs & Pathway Core Components
Ligand and receptor interactions as well as core components of the major signaling pathways were manually curated from the literature by Norbert Perrimon, with input from Helen Attrill at FlyBase. Additional information about the signaling pathways are available at the (GLAD website) and (Flybase).

» Community Annotation
We welcome community annotations. Please submit additional ligand-receptor annotations and we will review the submissions before adding them to the database.

» Browse FlyPhone Analysis
To demonstrate the use of FlyPhone, we analyzed the communication between different cell types from the Drosophila midgut single-cell RNA-seq dataset of Hung et al 2020 (PMID: 31915294). Results from this analysis are available here.

» Analyze your own scRNA-seq data
Analyze your own scRNA-seq dataset using FlyPhone by uploading your data or running the pipeline locally. code available on the flyphone github

**NEW** features:
  • Browse Ligand-Receptor Pairs & Pathway Core Components
  • Submit Ligand-Receptor community annotation
  • Browse FlyPhone analysis results
  • Analyze your own scRNA-seq data with the FlyPhone pipeline