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Single Cell Marker Data

The single-cell transcriptomic landscape of early human diabetic nephropathy

Entrez Gene ID:6416
PubMed ID: 31506348

A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Human Neocortical Development during Mid-gestation

Entrez Gene ID:6416
PubMed ID: 31303374

Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of Alzheimer's disease

Tissue:Prefrontal cortex
Entrez Gene ID:6416
PubMed ID: 31042697

Progressive Recruitment of Mesenchymal Progenitors Reveals a Time-Dependent Process of Cell Fate Acquisition in Mouse and Human Nephrogenesis

Entrez Gene ID:6416
PubMed ID: 29870722

Single Cell Gene Marker Details :6416

Table Data

dataset_id pubmed_id tissue type treatment_condition cluster_id cluster_name sample_id species_specific_geneid
avg_log_fc (?)
p_value padj
103 31506348 Kidney WT 8 CD-ICB all 6844 -0.002551857751225 0.28 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 12 LEUK all 6844 -0.25 0.56 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 4 DCT all 6844 -0.03 0.08 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 7 CD-ICA all 6844 0.02 0.97 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 11 MES all 6844 0.08 0.13 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 3 LOH all 6844 -0.05 4.24505510213861e-07 0.01
103 31506348 Kidney WT 6 CD-PC all 6844 0.12 1.13830016552721e-07 0.003880351434266
103 31506348 Kidney WT 10 ENDO all 6844 0.1 0.06 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 2 CFH all 6844 -0.01 0.15 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 9 PODO all 6844 -0.01 0.29 1
103 31506348 Kidney WT 1 PCT all 6844 0.15 2.05234995012371e-39 6.99625574497671e-35
103 31506348 Kidney WT 5 DCT-CT all 6844 0.11 0.005542783788129 1
30 31303374 Neocortex WT 4 ExDp2 cluster 6844 0.26 5.62933665958383e-15
104 31042697 Prefrontal cortex WT, Alzheimers 4 Ast3 all 6844 0.65 0.001549268017346
102 29870722 Kidney WT 13 PTA/RV II Cluster13 all 6844 0.1 0.00310753385065 1