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Single Cell Marker Data

The single-cell transcriptomic landscape of early human diabetic nephropathy

Entrez Gene ID:256380
PubMed ID: 31506348

A general approach for detecting expressed mutations in AML cells using single cell RNA-sequencing

Tissue:Bone marrow
Entrez Gene ID:256380
PubMed ID: 31413257

Single-cell RNA-seq reveals new types of human blood dendritic cells, monocytes and progenitors

Entrez Gene ID:256380
PubMed ID: 28428369

Single Cell Gene Marker Details :256380

Table Data

dataset_id pubmed_id tissue type treatment_condition cluster_id cluster_name sample_id species_specific_geneid
avg_log_fc (?)
p_value padj
103 31506348 Kidney WT 12 LEUK all 21397 -0.65 0.91 1
101 31413257 Bone marrow AML 15 T-CELL all 21397 1.09 0 0
52 28428369 Blood WT 9 Mono4 all 21397 1.51 2.78e-10