DRSC/TRiP Functional Genomics Resources

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DIOPT-DIST: DIOPT Diseases and Traits

DRSC Disease Gene Query Tool

Details of this tool are published in Hu, et. al.


Your 1 query symbols mapped to 1 genes. 1 of the orthologs had no associated disease terms.

Click on the DIOPT score to view a protein alignment.
Search Term Fly GeneID FlyBase Fly Symbol Human GeneID Human Symbol DIOPT Score Rank Best Score? Best Score
Reverse Search?
MeSH Category
(hover for info)
Disease/Trait (?) Source
FBgn0011205 46234 FBgn0011205 fbl 79646 PANK3 16 No disease terms found.
80025 PANK2 15 Moderate No Yes C10, C11, C15, C16 HARP syndrome, 607236 (3) OMIM
C05, C06, C07, C09, C10, C11, C12, C13, C16, C17, F03 Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 1, 234200 (3) OMIM
53354 PANK1 14 Moderate No Yes Y02 Metabolic traits GWAS
55229 PANK4 5 Moderate No No Y02 Obesity-related traits GWAS

4 results.


(as a tab-delimitted text file, named as ".xls").

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