Steps to Follow

Data Upload Page

1- After entering the input, specify the input type ("Gene/Protein List" or "Gene/Protein List with Values" or "Interaction List").

2- Enter gene and/or protein identifiers to the text area or upload a file containing gene-value or gene-gene pairs.

Data Format Options and Sample Data Files

DirectedPPI web tool accepts tab separated text files or Excel files.

Format Example Files
A gene list File with one data column containing gene identifiers
A gene list with corresponding values File with two data columns, the first column with gene identifiers and the second column with corresponding values
An interaction list File with two data columns, the first column with gene identifiers and the second column with interacting gene identifiers

Result Page

The result page includes two main parts; network visualization and node information.

Network visualization: When the user uploads a file or enters a gene list to the text area, she/he will see the visualization of the uploaded data. If the user input corresponds to any interaction in the database, the edges between the nodes will be visible.

Minimum driver node set (MDS): Minimum number of nodes whose control is sufficient to fully control the network’s entire dynamics.

Node classification:

Color-coding of the Node Classifiaction

Node Class Shape Color
Indispensable Triangle Red
Dispensable Circle Blue
Neutral Square Pink

If the user provides gene-value pairs in a file, the color of the nodes will be in a scale from orange to green calculated based on the values from the input.

The user can