**NEW** features:
species logo

Are you interested in targeting SNP or INDEL variants in your experiment? Look no further! We can help you find CRISPR guide designs (both -NGG and -NAG) in Fly, Human, Mouse, Zebrafish, Rat, Rice, Frog and Bacteria genomes. Each guide will be given an efficiency and off-target score based on our algorithms so that you can plan accordingly. Targeting multiple variants within the same guide is also available (select the checkbox)!

Upload a .vcf or .csv file of 2000 or less variants (sample files here) -- listed alleles can either be uppercase or lowercase.

Publication Citation: Chiao-Lin Chen, Jonathan Rodiger, Verena Chung, Raghuvir Viswanatha, Stephanie E Mohr, Yanhui Hu, and Norbert Perrimon. 2019. “SNP-CRISPR: A Web Tool for SNP-Specific Genome Editing.” G3 (Bethesda).