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Housden Efficiency Score
These scores were computed using a position matrix. Detailed information about the input dataset and the algorithm can be found in Housden et al. Sci Signal. 2015 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26350902
Scores range from 1.47-12.32 (higher is better, > 5 recommended)

Machine Learning Score
These scores were computed using a machine learning approach. A fly cell-based screen dataset was used to train and test the approach. The scores have not yet been experimentally validated in cells or in vivo. The dataset used for the ML approach was published in Viswanatha et al. Elife. 2018 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30051818
Scores range from 0-1 (higher is better)

Seed Region
Number indicates the unique bp-end excluding PAM.
Scores range from 12-15 (lower is better)

Off Target Score
Calculated based on sgRNA sequence blast results. Scores range from 0-5441.73 (lower is better, < 1 recommended)

Wild Population Efficiency
Calculated based on Ag1000G dataset.

Species Gene ID Gene Name Transcript ID CRISPR Sequence Housden Efficiency Score Machine Learning Efficiency Score Seed Region Off Target Score Chr Start End Strand Isoform Coverage (Actual/Total) Distance to Start Codon Coverage Start Codon Cross-Species No SNPs in Ag1000G SNPs in Sua5B Cell Line