MinoTar is a collaboration between the Perrimon Lab and Bonnie
Berger's group at MIT.
MinoTar predicts microRNA coding region targets by searching for highly conserved microRNA seed sites in coding regions. Conservation is judged conditionally on the observed amino acid evolution. For details please see the following manuscript: Schnall-Levin M, Zhao Y, Perrimon N, Berger B. Conserved microRNA Targeting in Drosophila is as Widespread in Coding Regions as in 3' UTRs. PNAS 2010 Sep 7;107(36):15751-6. Epub 2010 Aug 20. For a list of FAQs, click here. To download all target predictions, click here. Currently MinoTar predictions are provided for both Drosophila and Human . To see a list of targets for a particular microRNA seed family select one of the options below: |