DRSC focused sub-libraries

Sub-Libraries for RNAi Knockdown of Functionally Related Gene Sets


This is now considered a legacy service that we are ramping down as CRISPR screens have emerged as an excellent alternative, from scientific, feasibility, and cost perspectives. Please contact DRSC Director S. Mohr for more information.

In response to community demand, we have constructed dsRNA sub-libraries that target genes grouped by biological and/or biochemical function.

Features include:

  • Rapid screening (fewer plates to screen than with the full genomic collection)
  • Curated gene lists drawn from the published literature, known and predicted functions, and shared by experts in their fields
  • Deeper coverage (multiple unique dsRNAs per gene)
  • Adheres to current rules for minimizing off-target effects
  • Available for on-site screening or in experiment-ready 384-well assay plates for screening at your institution (contact the Director for details)

Currently Available Sub-Libraries

Library Gene Set # of Genes Ave. # of unique
dsRNAs per gene
# of Assay Plates Gene List
DRSC KP Kinases & Phosphatases 563 3 8 gene list
DRSC TRXN TFs, Nuclear & DNA Binders 993 2 9 gene list
NYU-DRSC UBIQ Ubiquitin-Related Genes 439 2-3 6 gene list
NYU-DRSC TM Transmembrane Genes 1729 2 17 gene list
DRSC AUTGY Autophagy-Related Genes 196 3 3 gene list
DRSC GPCR G protein-coupled receptors 258 3 5 gene list
DRSC RBIND RNA-binding genes 406 2 4 gene list
DRSC MB01 Membrane-bound Organelle-related Genes 200 2-3 2 gene list
DRSC Test Controls plus dsRNAs that hit in past screens 235 1 1 gene list
UAS-miRNA Over-expression of miRNAs in cells        
miRNA sponge Depletion of miRNAs in cells        
DRSC FDA library Fly ortholog of gene targets of FDA-approved drugs 448 2 4 gene list


More on the Currently Available Sub-Libraries


Drosophila Kinase/Phosphatase RNAi Sub-Library (DRSC KP). This sub-library targets Drosophila genes that encode proteins for kinase or phosphatase. Approximately three amplicon per gene coverage. 563 genes. Eight assay plates. Unique dsRNAs targeting both kinase and phosphatase genes are distributed randomly on all eight plates.

kp layout image



Layout of empty wells (aqua) and LacZ controls (purple) on an experiment-ready plate from the KP and related sub-libraries. View the control layout map.

Drosophila Transcription Factors (and Related) RNAi Sub-Library (DRSC TRXN). This sub-library targets the complete set of Drosophila genes that encode transcription factors as well as other DNA binding proteins and nuclear factors. Approximately two amplicon per gene coverage. 993 genes. Nine assay plates. Control layout map.

Drosophila Ubiquitin-Related Genes RNAi Sub-Library (NYU-DRSC UBIQ). This sub-library targets genes involved in ubiquitination. The sub-set was generated by our collaborators at New York University's RNAi Core Facility. Control layout map.

Drosophila Transmembrane Genes RNAi Sub-Library (NYU-DRSC TM). This sub-library targets genes annotated as transmembrane proteins or computationally predicted as such. The sub-set was generated by our collaborators at New York University's RNAi Core Facility. Control layout map.

Drosophila Autophagy-Related Genes RNAi Sub-Library (DRSC AUTGY). The main source of genes included in this set was fly orthologs of genes identified in Behrends et al. (2010 Nature). Control layout map.

G protein-coupled receptor Sub-Library (DRSC GPCR). This sub-library targets Drosophila genes that encode known or putative G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The library was built in collaboration with Dr. Mathias Beller of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Gottengin, Germany. Approximately three unique dsRNAs per gene. 258 genes. Five assay plates. Control layout map.

RNA-Binding Sub-Library (DRSC RBIND). This sub-library targets Drosophila genes that encode known or putative RNA binding proteins. The library was built in collaboration with Dr. Bing Ye of the University of Michigan. 406 genes. Four assay plates. Control layout map.

Membrane-bound organelle-related genes (DRSC MBO1). This sub-library targets genes that encode proteins conserved in humans and associated with membrane-bound organelles such as lysosomes and peroxisomes. 200 genes. Two assay plates. Control layout map.

Controls plus dsRNAs that hit in past screens (DRSC TEST). Common positive and negative control dsRNAs plus dsRNAs that frequently hit in past screens Control layout map

What next? New sub-sets are planned based on community input. Please contact the Director with ideas.


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