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Protein Alignment SF2 and HNRNPM

DIOPT Version :9

Sequence 1:NP_001247139.1 Gene:SF2 / 53443 FlyBaseID:FBgn0283477 Length:255 Species:Drosophila melanogaster
Sequence 2:NP_005959.2 Gene:HNRNPM / 4670 HGNCID:5046 Length:730 Species:Homo sapiens

Alignment Length:155 Identity:50/155 - (32%)
Similarity:68/155 - (43%) Gaps:34/155 - (21%)

- Green bases have known domain annotations that are detailed below.

            |.| |.||....|.|   |::.::     ||.|......|.||  ||..:|.:|....||.|||.

            ::| .|:|.:.:...|..|      ||||...|.||.|.:.|:     .|......::|:|| .|

  Fly   192 DNDR----------GGGGGGSGGGG 206
            ::.|          ||.|.|.||.|

Known Domains:

Indicated by green bases in alignment.

Software error:

Illegal division by zero at /www/www.flyrnai.org/docroot/cgi-bin/DRSC_prot_align.pl line 591.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (ritg@hms.harvard.edu), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

GeneSequenceDomainRegion External IDIdentity