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Protein Alignment eEF1gamma and Gstt4

DIOPT Version :9

Sequence 1:NP_001189308.1 Gene:eEF1gamma / 44791 FlyBaseID:FBgn0029176 Length:431 Species:Drosophila melanogaster
Sequence 2:NP_001103145.1 Gene:Gstt4 / 686922 RGDID:1591294 Length:240 Species:Rattus norvegicus

Alignment Length:172 Identity:44/172 - (25%)
Similarity:80/172 - (46%) Gaps:24/172 - (13%)

- Green bases have known domain annotations that are detailed below.

            |..|::|......:....|     |:|.:..|    |.|:::..|..|||:..  :|:: ||||.

            || .||...........|   .::|:|.:::::....| ||.| ..|:..::.::     |.::.

            .....|....::|..:| |||..|:.|:.|:|||:|....::

Known Domains:

Indicated by green bases in alignment.

Software error:

Illegal division by zero at /www/www.flyrnai.org/docroot/cgi-bin/DRSC_prot_align.pl line 591.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (ritg@hms.harvard.edu), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

GeneSequenceDomainRegion External IDIdentity
eEF1gammaNP_001189308.1 GST_N_EF1Bgamma 4..79 CDD:239342 22/73 (30%)
GstA 5..187 CDD:223698 44/172 (26%)
GST_C_EF1Bgamma_like 90..209 CDD:198290 21/84 (25%)
EF1G 271..376 CDD:279041
Gstt4NP_001103145.1 GST_N_Theta 3..78 CDD:239348 22/73 (30%)