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Protein Alignment Strn-Mlck and igsf9b

DIOPT Version :9

Sequence 1:NP_001261019.1 Gene:Strn-Mlck / 36753 FlyBaseID:FBgn0265045 Length:8255 Species:Drosophila melanogaster
Sequence 2:XP_031761656.1 Gene:igsf9b / 100379858 XenbaseID:XB-GENE-5887265 Length:1392 Species:Xenopus tropicalis

Alignment Length:1130 Identity:242/1130 - (21%)
Similarity:383/1130 - (33%) Gaps:344/1130 - (30%)

- Green bases have known domain annotations that are detailed below.

            |||.|..|.....||.||  .|...|.....|:|......|....|   |:|:            

                   |:.:..|  |.|:...: |:....:.|.:...:|.:...|      |.|..:..: :.

            :|.|:   |..: |..|.       .|...|.:|         |:::::..       |||.||.
 Frog   122 YDTFH---NGSWVHLTVN-------APPTFTETP---------PQYLEVKE-------GSSITLT 160

            |...|.|:|.|:|.::|..|..:|:    .|: |..:|||:::...|.|.|.|.||:.:|.....

            .||.|.....|         ::...|:.                 |.::.....|||...||.. 
 Frog   221 TRLLVQGSPFI---------VSPPENIT-----------------VNISQDALFTCQAEAYPGNL 259

            ...||..:|  ....|.|  ..|..:|   ||.|.....:|:|.|||:..|.|| |.|....|.|

            ....|.. :.|..|||:        |....:...|||.|.|. |.|:::|..||..:.....|..

            :|.:.  :.|||....|.|.||..|.:|.:             ....|.|.|      ..|.|| 

                |.|.|......| |..::|.|...|||.|.:.| |....|.:.|.:              .

            :||..|.|.       |.:..:|||......|...|.:                    |.|.|..

            ..|:|.:...:...:|.|...:.. .:.|.:|.    |.....|  .|:| |......:.|.:..

            :.||.|.:::.:|:|.:|.|..|..:.:       ..|:..|..|..|| ..::||..   |..|

            :...:.||:                      ..|...:.|.:|.:.|     |:.|     ..|.
 Frog   630 TQQGVLLSW----------------------LPPSNHSFPLDRYIME-----FRLA-----ERWE 662

            ..| |.::.:.| .|..||:.     :.|::.: .::..:.:.:..|:          .|..|.|

  Fly  7020 -----------------IEATARLDVIRSSRYSK------------------------------- 7036

               || |||::||  .||.......:|.:.|     ||....|.|:.:  ::.|.::..:..|.|

            .:..:.:             ::|..:|::  :.:| :.:|.:.|..:.......|        |:

            ..||..:|.|          |.|||
 Frog   893 MYPEFRQSDE----------ENDEP 907

Known Domains:

Indicated by green bases in alignment.

GeneSequenceDomainRegion External IDIdentity
Strn-MlckNP_001261019.1 IG_like 51..127 CDD:214653
Ig <69..>112 CDD:299845
I-set 137..226 CDD:254352
I-set 235..314 CDD:254352
Ig_2 244..314 CDD:290606
I-set 438..513 CDD:254352
Ig 454..510 CDD:143165
I-set 537..626 CDD:254352
Ig 555..618 CDD:299845
I-set 636..713 CDD:254352
Ig 652..712 CDD:143165
SMC_N <2190..2854 CDD:280601
I-set 5300..5388 CDD:254352
IGc2 5313..5378 CDD:197706
IG 5412..5482 CDD:214652
IGc2 5413..5481 CDD:197706
I-set 5542..5627 CDD:254352
Ig 5556..5621 CDD:143165
Ig 5654..5721 CDD:143165
I-set 5784..5874 CDD:254352
IGc2 5797..5864 CDD:197706
I-set 5887..5970 CDD:254352
Ig 5902..5966 CDD:143165
I-set 5997..6086 CDD:254352
Ig 6026..6083 CDD:143165
I-set 6097..6187 CDD:254352 11/30 (37%)
Ig 6114..6187 CDD:299845 11/30 (37%)
FN3 6216..6310 CDD:238020 17/98 (17%)
I-set 6321..6412 CDD:254352 29/90 (32%)
Ig 6328..6412 CDD:299845 28/83 (34%)
I-set 6442..6531 CDD:254352 27/94 (29%)
Ig 6459..6528 CDD:143165 25/74 (34%)
I-set 6541..6632 CDD:254352 26/91 (29%)
IGc2 6555..6622 CDD:197706 21/67 (31%)
I-set 6662..6754 CDD:254352 25/99 (25%)
Ig 6679..6751 CDD:143165 19/78 (24%)
I-set 6779..6868 CDD:254352 21/94 (22%)
IGc2 6793..6858 CDD:197706 15/70 (21%)
Ig 6938..7022 CDD:299845 18/116 (16%)
I-set 6939..7028 CDD:254352 19/121 (16%)
IG 7075..7140 CDD:214652 9/67 (13%)
Ig 7075..7140 CDD:143165 9/67 (13%)
IG 7167..7239 CDD:214652 5/16 (31%)
Ig 7173..7239 CDD:143165 4/10 (40%)
Ig 7392..7475 CDD:299845
IG 7406..7475 CDD:214652
FN3 7489..7588 CDD:238020
S_TKc 7620..7876 CDD:214567
STKc_MLCK 7626..7876 CDD:271005
igsf9bXP_031761656.1 IG 30..115 CDD:214652 22/111 (20%)
I-set 139..225 CDD:400151 31/106 (29%)
Ig strand A 139..142 CDD:409353 0/2 (0%)
Ig strand A' 148..151 CDD:409353 0/2 (0%)
Ig strand B 157..164 CDD:409353 3/6 (50%)
Ig strand C 170..175 CDD:409353 2/4 (50%)
Ig strand D 185..189 CDD:409353 1/8 (13%)
Ig strand E 191..195 CDD:409353 1/3 (33%)
Ig strand F 204..212 CDD:409353 4/7 (57%)
Ig strand G 215..225 CDD:409353 3/9 (33%)
I-set 229..321 CDD:400151 29/120 (24%)
Ig strand B 246..250 CDD:409353 0/3 (0%)
Ig strand C 260..264 CDD:409353 0/3 (0%)
Ig strand E 286..290 CDD:409353 3/6 (50%)
Ig strand F 300..305 CDD:409353 3/4 (75%)
Ig strand G 314..317 CDD:409353 1/2 (50%)
Ig 344..405 CDD:409353 20/62 (32%)
Ig strand C 355..360 CDD:409353 1/4 (25%)
Ig strand E 380..384 CDD:409353 1/5 (20%)
Ig strand F 394..399 CDD:409353 2/4 (50%)
Ig 429..505 CDD:416386 22/90 (24%)
Ig strand A' 429..432 CDD:409353 0/2 (0%)
Ig strand B 438..445 CDD:409353 2/6 (33%)
Ig strand C 451..456 CDD:409353 1/5 (20%)
Ig strand C' 458..460 CDD:409353 0/1 (0%)
Ig strand E 471..476 CDD:409353 1/4 (25%)
Ig strand F 484..492 CDD:409353 2/7 (29%)
Ig strand G 495..505 CDD:409353 2/9 (22%)
FN3 510..605 CDD:238020 21/103 (20%)
FN3 622..703 CDD:238020 20/117 (17%)
Blue background indicates that the domain is not in the aligned region.

Information from Original Tools:

Tool Simple Score Weighted Score Original Tool Information
BLAST Result Score Score Type Cluster ID
Compara 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Domainoid 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
eggNOG 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Hieranoid 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Homologene 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Inparanoid 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OMA 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OrthoDB 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OrthoFinder 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OrthoInspector 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Panther 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Phylome 1 0.910 - -
RoundUp 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
SonicParanoid 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
SwiftOrtho 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
TreeFam 00.000 Not matched by this tool.

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