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Protein Alignment Toll-4 and chp

DIOPT Version :9

Sequence 1:NP_523519.2 Gene:Toll-4 / 34235 FlyBaseID:FBgn0032095 Length:1125 Species:Drosophila melanogaster
Sequence 2:NP_001263137.1 Gene:chp / 43690 FlyBaseID:FBgn0267435 Length:1338 Species:Drosophila melanogaster

Alignment Length:916 Identity:177/916 - (19%)
Similarity:333/916 - (36%) Gaps:278/916 - (30%)

- Green bases have known domain annotations that are detailed below.

            |:|:..|.:..    |:|..:    .|.:..|.|..  :.||. ||...|...:..:|:.| |..

            ..::....|:...::.:..:.:....|:.|.:   ...|.:|..:|..      |:.::.|.   

                     |...:|.:.|    |.|:|..|:.|   |||.|:..:|:|..:..:..:|.:.:: 

  Fly   311 -------SSLTYCIMKVD------NMVDLKSFEKFTNLEIIEVSQY-------KGFKNF------ 349
                   :::.|.::|:|      :..:|::..|..|:..:.:|:.       :.||:|      

               |.......:||. |...|:.      :.:.|.| ..|.:|.|.:.                 

                    ::||::..|.     :.....::..|..|| |.||.||.:|.          :..|:

            .:.:.:|.|||:|....  .|:|..|.:..|||..:..:....|..:...:..|||.:...||  

                             .||.:.:...|....:.:.||.....||      |.:..:.::|....

            ..|.          .:.|:|::: :.|:...:..|.|  .||.|.||              |.| 

             ..:..|.:.|::    .::|:...|.|..|.|.:|     .||:  .||..||          |

            .|.::|.                 ||  ||:|:.|      |||.:|::..:....::.|. ...

            :.::.||.|          |:|.:.           |:..:.|..:||..:......|:  :..:

            |.|::..|. |:|.|           |.|   ||.:|::......:..|.:  |.|...|..|..

            ..|::....|::|.|:::..:...|.:|           .::||:|..:::.:     :.::.|.

  Fly   866 LQLSLF 871
  Fly  1027 FRLHYF 1032

Known Domains:

Indicated by green bases in alignment.

GeneSequenceDomainRegion External IDIdentity
Toll-4NP_523519.2 leucine-rich repeat 264..287 CDD:275380 9/26 (35%)
leucine-rich repeat 288..308 CDD:275380 4/19 (21%)
leucine-rich repeat 309..334 CDD:275380 5/38 (13%)
leucine-rich repeat 335..386 CDD:275380 11/67 (16%)
leucine-rich repeat 388..408 CDD:275380 5/49 (10%)
LRR_8 412..465 CDD:290566 19/65 (29%)
leucine-rich repeat 412..432 CDD:275378 9/30 (30%)
LRR_4 432..470 CDD:289563 12/39 (31%)
leucine-rich repeat 433..454 CDD:275378 6/22 (27%)
leucine-rich repeat 455..478 CDD:275378 6/22 (27%)
leucine-rich repeat 479..490 CDD:275378 3/10 (30%)
leucine-rich repeat 632..657 CDD:275378 11/31 (35%)
leucine-rich repeat 658..679 CDD:275378 7/39 (18%)
leucine-rich repeat 680..706 CDD:275378 6/31 (19%)
leucine-rich repeat 707..719 CDD:275378 3/11 (27%)
leucine-rich repeat 771..791 CDD:275380 8/33 (24%)
leucine-rich repeat 793..815 CDD:275378 5/21 (24%)
leucine-rich repeat 816..835 CDD:275378 3/18 (17%)
leucine-rich repeat 836..859 CDD:275378 5/33 (15%)
TIR 974..1110 CDD:214587
chpNP_001263137.1 leucine-rich repeat 84..103 CDD:275380
LRR_8 102..163 CDD:290566
leucine-rich repeat 104..128 CDD:275380
LRR_RI <128..261 CDD:238064 16/63 (25%)
leucine-rich repeat 129..152 CDD:275380
LRR_8 152..212 CDD:290566 3/12 (25%)
leucine-rich repeat 153..177 CDD:275380
leucine-rich repeat 178..201 CDD:275380 1/1 (100%)
LRR_8 202..261 CDD:290566 14/60 (23%)
leucine-rich repeat 202..226 CDD:275380 3/23 (13%)
leucine-rich repeat 227..250 CDD:275380 7/23 (30%)
leucine-rich repeat 251..279 CDD:275380 4/28 (14%)
leucine-rich repeat 280..326 CDD:275380 7/45 (16%)
LRR_8 326..386 CDD:290566 15/62 (24%)
leucine-rich repeat 327..348 CDD:275380 3/20 (15%)
leucine-rich repeat 352..375 CDD:275380 10/25 (40%)
leucine-rich repeat 376..401 CDD:275380 1/24 (4%)
leucine-rich repeat 426..450 CDD:275378 4/23 (17%)
LRR_RI <448..651 CDD:238064 42/228 (18%)
leucine-rich repeat 451..474 CDD:275380 4/22 (18%)
LRR_8 473..559 CDD:290566 17/92 (18%)
leucine-rich repeat 475..524 CDD:275380 6/55 (11%)
leucine-rich repeat 500..519 CDD:275380 0/18 (0%)
leucine-rich repeat 525..548 CDD:275380 2/22 (9%)
leucine-rich repeat 549..574 CDD:275380 7/24 (29%)
LRR_8 573..633 CDD:290566 15/59 (25%)
leucine-rich repeat 575..598 CDD:275380 6/22 (27%)
leucine-rich repeat 599..622 CDD:275380 6/22 (27%)
LRR_8 622..683 CDD:290566 13/79 (16%)
leucine-rich repeat 623..646 CDD:275380 7/41 (17%)
leucine-rich repeat 647..730 CDD:275380 14/82 (17%)
leucine-rich repeat 648..673 CDD:275380 5/24 (21%)
leucine-rich repeat 674..705 CDD:275380 3/30 (10%)
LRR_8 704..763 CDD:290566 17/78 (22%)
leucine-rich repeat 731..754 CDD:275380 7/42 (17%)
LRR_8 753..813 CDD:290566 15/69 (22%)
leucine-rich repeat 755..778 CDD:275380 7/22 (32%)
leucine-rich repeat 779..802 CDD:275380 7/32 (22%)
leucine-rich repeat 803..823 CDD:275380 5/19 (26%)
leucine-rich repeat 852..876 CDD:275380 5/33 (15%)
LRR_8 854..910 CDD:290566 12/67 (18%)
LRR_RI <877..>1006 CDD:238064 27/133 (20%)
leucine-rich repeat 877..900 CDD:275380 4/22 (18%)
leucine-rich repeat 901..925 CDD:275380 6/24 (25%)
leucine-rich repeat 926..946 CDD:275380 5/19 (26%)
LRR_8 947..1004 CDD:290566 11/58 (19%)
leucine-rich repeat 947..970 CDD:275380 5/24 (21%)
leucine-rich repeat 971..993 CDD:275380 4/21 (19%)
LRR_8 992..1049 CDD:290566 7/46 (15%)
leucine-rich repeat 994..1014 CDD:275380 4/19 (21%)
leucine-rich repeat 1019..1042 CDD:275380 3/19 (16%)
Blue background indicates that the domain is not in the aligned region.

Information from Original Tools:

Tool Simple Score Weighted Score Original Tool Information
BLAST Result Score Score Type Cluster ID
Compara 1 0.930 - - C45453744
Domainoid 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
eggNOG 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Homologene 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Inparanoid 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Isobase 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OMA 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OrthoDB 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OrthoFinder 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
OrthoInspector 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
orthoMCL 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Panther 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
Phylome 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
RoundUp 00.000 Not matched by this tool.
SonicParanoid 00.000 Not matched by this tool.

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